Shiphay Amateur Dramatic Society / Events / Thu 14 to Sat 16 Mar 2013 (3 days)

Shiphay Amateur Dramatic Society's next production is DICK BARTON - SPECIAL AGENT. Written by Phil Willmott and directed by Jon Waterworth, this is an affectionate spoof musical based on the popular BBC radio series Dick Barton. In this episode, Dick Barton and his trusty sidekicks Jock and Snowy are confronted by the evil Baron Scarheart and femme fatale Marta Heartburn. Can Dick thwart the evil Baron's quest for world domination? Come along to St. John's Church Hall, Cadewell Lane, Shiphay TQ2 7HP to find out!
Tickets cost £6 and can be bought at Shiphay Post Office, Cadewell Lane or by ringing our Box Office number 07870 378 125.