Shepley Spring Festival

Shepley Spring Festival / News / Sun 22 Mar 2015

The Baa Baa Bazaar at Shepley Spring Festival

The Baa Baa Bazaar at Shepley Spring Festival

There will be a celebration Shepley's rich woollen heritage at Shepley Spring Festival this year with a woollen themed craft tent.

The Baa Baa Bazaar is supported by 'Unravel' at Denby Dale and will include The Knitting Goddess from Harrogate, The Knitting and Crochet Guild and wools from Baa Baa Brighouse. As well as opportunity to buy wool and woollen crafts there will be demonstrations of spinning, weaving and felt making. Local community groups are coming along to do rag rugging, extreme knitting, children's crafts and beginners workshops.

There is an open invitation for you to join the 'Purl before Wine' knitting and crochet circle each day, where you can chat and swap notes whilst listening to some great live music.

Why not join in our charity project and Knit- a- Square for local elderly people or for orphans in South Africa. Bring along your needles and hooks and all your odds and ends of wool.

If you are a local craftsperson there are still a few stalls available. Ring the office for details
01484 604704 .

For more information visit

News Location

Shepley Spring Festival

Marsh Lane

Telephone: 01484 604 704

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