Shabang! is thrilled to launch its new calendar for 2015 with a difference.
This colourful 2015 calendar features children and young adults with additional needs from its programme of projects and its theme this year is ‘What a Wonderful World’. Each page features children and young people in different geographical locations and is accompanied by the appropriate Makaton symbols and signs.
The calendar is raising money this year for two local Huddersfield charities who provide a much needed and cherished service providing care and support free of charge to children and young people with a life-limiting illness and their families – Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice and Martin House Children’s Hospice.
The calendar is £9.99 + p&p and is available to buy:-
from Shabang’s website https://www.shabang.org.uk/product.php?id=63
from Amazon http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=shabang%20calendar%202015
or by calling the Shabang office on 01484 848073
For more information visit https://www.shabang.org.uk/product.php?id=63
News Location
Telephone: 01484 848 073
Email: info@shabang.org.uk
Website: https://www.shabang.org.uk/product.php?id=63