Robert Garnham / Events / Mon 25 Apr 2016
Stanza Extravaganza @Artizan Gallery

A night of sparkling spoken word and powerful performance poetry hosted by Professor of Whimsy, Consumer of Biscuits, Robert Garnham.
A line up of some of the finest locally sourced poets will be completed by a headline set from Chris White. Funny, energetic, deeply honest and exciting, Chris' poetry takes the audience on a journey of discovery and makes them see the world ever so slightly different.
The show starts at 8pm, doors open 730, tickets £6.
For more information visit http://www.robertgarnham.wordpress.com/
Event Location
Artizan Gallery
7 Lucius Street
Telephone: 07890 380 904
Email: robertdgarnham@gmail.com
Website: http://www.robertgarnham.wordpress.com/