Richard Thomas

Richard Thomas / Events / Wed 06 to Wed 27 Aug 2014 (3 weeks)

Finding Your Voice: 4 Part Poetry Course

Finding Your Voice: 4 Part Poetry Course

Finding Your Voice

An Introduction to Poetry

Lead by published poet, Richard Thomas
In Association with Tribe Media Arts

At Thorn Park Lodge, Mannamead, Plymouth
Dates: 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th August
7pm – 9pm

Through four two-hour seminar-style workshops, run over the course of four weeks, qualified and widely published poet Richard Thomas will aim to unleash your poet within via a varied range of writing activities, prompts and goals, as well as through a balanced mix of talk and discussion on the basics of poetry, selected worksheets and print outs, and group workshops.

Each session will focus on a particular aspect of poetry – imagery, language, voice and form - with the last session aiming to bring together each aspect for you to write a poem to be published in Tribe, an international arts journal. You will begin to explore the work of various poets and poetry movements. You will look at various styles and forms of poetry, with an aim to find where your poetry sits best and aim to produce at least one poem each week.

Based at Thorn Park Lodge, an old, disused, but intact, pharmacy in Mannamead, Plymouth, with access to a medicine garden to the rear, you will be situated in an environment that is not only unique, but inspiring to the creative mind. You will be encouraged to draw on your environment in the exploration of your writing.

This course is aimed at beginners, but all levels of knowledge and experience are welcome. Whether you are a keen writer and want to learn more, or whether you are looking for a way to get started, this course aims to provide you with that next step.

Course Fees:

The fee for the course is £80 (£20 per session) if you book before August, late booking from August will wise to £88 – block booking of all four sessions is mandatory. This fee includes a complimentary copy of Richard’s collection of poems ‘The Strangest Thankyou’ (Cultured Llama, 2012), and complimentary refreshments provided at each session. Payment to be made by cheque only, including a £10 deposit, returned on attendance.

A maximum of fifteen places are available. To book your place, please email: or call: 07752946865.

About Richard Thomas:

A writer who specialises in poetry, Richard has both a Diploma in Creative Writing from the Open University and a B.A. (Hons) in English and Creative Writing from the University of Plymouth. Richard’s poems and haiku have been published in journals and anthologies internationally. In 2011 his poem ‘Dig’ was shortlisted for the National Poetry Competition. Richard founded and edited the online poetry journal Symmetry Pebbles from 2009 – 2012 and he is currently a Creative Writing Editor for Tribe: Richard is also a prolific public reader of his poetry and attends literature events across the South West, often reading with live improvised music. Following the success of his collection of poems ‘The Strangest Thankyou’, published in November 2012 by Cultured Llama, he is currently seeking publication for his second collection ‘Zygote Poems’. Before honing in on poetry, Richard wrote Music CD and gig reviews for various magazines.

For more information visit

Event Location

Thorn Park Lodge

Thorn Park Lodge,
Thorn Park

Telephone: 07752 946 865
