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Rhythmix Helping Young People Make Music

Rhythmix is one of the UK’s leading music charities, delivering a large range of music making opportunities for young people across the South East region. Since 1999, Rhythmix has worked with more than 40,000 young people, enabling their creativity through music and developing their personal and social skills.

Rhythmix manages and delivers the Youth Music Action Zone (Lottery funded by Youth Music) for Brighton & Hove, East Sussex, Kent and Surrey. This programme is the direct engagement with young people and accounts for 70% of the total activity of the charity, delivering programmes that address Exclusion, Challenging Circumstances and Young People at Risk and encourage the talent and potential of these young people.

Rhythmix also manages and delivers the MusicLeader programme for the South East region (Lottery funded by Youth Music). This programme works to improve the skills base of musicians working with young people and increasing awareness of Music Leadership amongst partners and employers

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My Location

South East

Telephone: 0870 141 7484

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My Events

FREE-MusicLeader South East: Open Space Networking Event / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2012-02-29T00:00:00Z">Wed 29 Feb 2012</span>FREE-MusicLeader South East: Open Space Networking Event / Wed 29 Feb 2012

Music Education Hubs: How can the formal and non-formal music education sectors work together for the best outcomes for children and young people? ...

Marketing your Project (Rhythmix/MusicLeader South East) / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2012-02-28T00:00:00Z">Tue 28 Feb 2012</span>Marketing your Project (Rhythmix/MusicLeader South East) / Tue 28 Feb 2012

What works for you? Gonzo? Guerilla? Straightforward, no-nonsense guide through identifying your target markets & creating a marketing strategy that r...

5 Upcoming Project Management Courses / <span >Thu 29 Sep 2011</span> to <span  itemprop="endDate" content="2012-02-28T00:00:00Z">Tue 28 Feb 2012</span> <span>(5 months)</span>5 Upcoming Project Management Courses / Thu 29 Sep 2011 to Tue 28 Feb 2012 (5 months)

MusicLeader South East are offering 5 project management sessions which can be taken as a complete course or as standalone training days. Course in...

My Friends

Creatives Across Sussex / Local Authority Partners

CreCreatives Across Sussex / Local Authority Partnersative Across Sussex was developed by the West Sussex Arts Partnership, which was the local authority arts forum with district and borough councils ...

Fluid Motion Theatre Company / What we do

FluFluid Motion Theatre Company / What we doid Motion Theatre Company are a not for profit theatre company whose main aim is to bring theatre into the communities that surround us. We do t...

Chichester Creative Network / About

ChiChichester Creative Network / Aboutchester Creative Network is a ‘not for profit’ online magazine and network which exists to support the creative industries and people in Chichester...

Creatives Across Sussex / About

CreCreatives Across Sussex / Aboutatives Across Sussex supports artists, producers and arts companies to create large-scale arts projects with communities in Sussex. We work strateg...

Making Tracks / Rural Touring Scheme

MakMaking Tracks / Rural Touring Schemeing Tracks is the rural touring scheme for West Sussex, coordinated by West Sussex Arts Partnership. We help to bring high quality, inspiring and ...

Rhythm Inc / rhythminc

I hRhythm Inc / rhythmincave fifteen years experience of working with young people of all ages, ranging from one off “taster” sessions to long-term instrument teaching. M...