Rhodes Arts Complex

Rhodes Arts Complex / Events / Sat 12 Oct 2019

Simon Goodall & The Bourne Again Shadows

Simon Goodall & The Bourne Again Shadows

Celebrating Sixty years of Cliff and The Shadows.

Simon Goodall and the Bourne Again Shadows are widely acclaimed as the most authentic sounding Cliff/Shadows tribute act (even Sir Cliff has said so!). With Cliff classics like Summer Holiday, The Young Ones and Please Don’t Tease; and Shadows’ instrumental hits such as Apache, Wonderful Land and Foot-Tapper, you will be tapping your feet down memory lane!

Saturday 12 October | 7:30pm

For more information visit https://rhodesartscomplex.ticketsolve.com/shows/873604822

Event Location

Rhodes Arts Complex

1-3 South Road,
Bishop's Stortford,
CM23 3JG

Telephone: 01279 710 200
Email: info@rhodesartscomplex.co.uk
Website: https://rhodesartscomplex.ticketsolve.com/shows/873604822

Event Details
