Please find listed below information on evaluating culture and wellbeing projects:
Hertfordshire Evaluation Framework:
Responding to the Public Health England Evaluation Framework (please see link to download a copy below) David Conrad, Consultant in Public Health (Evidence & Intelligence), Public Health Department, and Jo Mackenzie, Public Health and Intelligence Analyst have developed a Hertfordshire Evaluation Framework which can be found on:
The website provides an Evaluation Toolbox which contains a range of helpful resources for anyone who is looking to design a suitable evaluation for a project or service including a detailed guide to evaluating arts & health/wellbeing initiatives.
If you would like some support in designing your evaluation methodology you can register your project or programme. Registering your evaluation will allow you to access tailored advice and support, and also provides a degree of third party assurance that the evaluation process and eventual write-up have met certain basic standards.
Arts for Health and Wellbeing - an evaluation framework:
Commissioned by Public Health England (PHE) and researched and written by Professor Norma Daykin (University of Winchester and UWE, Bristol) and Tim Joss, Chief Executive of Aesop the framework provides guidance on appropriate ways of documenting the impacts of arts for health and wellbeing projects and programmes.
Creative & Credible website
Creative & Credible supports arts and health organisations and practitioners to:
– engage with evaluation creatively – improve your practice – make well-informed spending decisions – strengthen the evidence base around the benefits and impacts of arts and health projects
Use this website to understand why you might need to evaluate, what approaches might be appropriate, and to plan and implement evaluation for your project. You will also find downloadable handouts, examples and links to other evaluation resources here.