Refresh Creations

Refresh Creations / Images

Christian Services Association

Christian Services Association

CSA (UK) is a non-denominational group of Christian people who are committed to seeing the Kingdom of God extended here on earth. Ordinary people can do extraordinary things in the power of God!

Our core ministry areas are teaching and mentoring, especially on God’s Glory, the Prophetic ministry at both an introductory level and seeing it taken out of the church and used in everyday life in the world. Teaching people to “Soak” in God’s presence is another area where we both teach & activate people to take in more of the Lord through resting in His presence.

At the heart of all we do is to equip, train, encourage and release everyone into the fullness of their own destiny.

We host Revival Meetings, Conferences and we are always open to invitations to share in UK and Europe.

For more information visit

Image Location

Christian Services Association

Christian Services Association UK
PO Box 378, Paignton, Devon
TQ3 1WD, United Kingdom

Telephone: 07882 849 446
