RECOVER / News / Thu 26 Oct 2017
Recover receives support from Police& Crime Commissioner

An editorial in the Telegraph back in April prompted a visit by David Lloyd the Hertfordshire Police & Crime Commissioner. David was dropping off a couple of furniture donations and was inspired by what he saw in our workshop. A visit a couple of weeks later and a proposal from us to support victims of crime further broadening our reach has resulted in two years of financial help from the PCC.
David said “ Recover is a great example of all that a charity should stand for. It supports people by giving them an opportunity to learn new skills and gain confidence again, while also helping them to create positive experiences and rebuild their own lives.
I am very happy to support the inspirational work that the team there are doing, particularly around the support they are offering to victims of crime, to help them cope and recover.”
For more information visit http://www.recoverteam.co.uk/about-us/we-are-a-charity/
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Unit 19 Tewin Court
Telephone: 01707 322 103
Email: info@recoverteam.co.uk
Website: http://www.recoverteam.co.uk/about-us/we-are-a-charity/