RECOVER / Events / Sat 24 to Sun 25 Feb 2018 (2 days)
Free fabric give-away at Recover

Big Saturday "GIVE AWAY" first come first served!
We have spent the last two days sorting through 1/2 tonne of designer fabrics & have much more than we need.
Pop in tomorrow 10am - 4pm & help yourselves to as much as you want - ALL FREE OF CHARGE
Splendid velvets, silks, prints - all high end designer brands.
Mainly all large pieces - they are all brand new unused straight from the cutting room of UK premier soft furnishings company Ashley Wilde who kindly support our project.
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/recoverteam.co.uk/
Event Location
Unit 19 Tewin Court
Telephone: 01707 322 103
Email: info@recoverteam.co.uk
Website: https://www.facebook.com/recoverteam.co.uk/