Ranjit :-) ******* Creative and Digital Technology Artist. *******


I have been interested in anything to do with computers and their use with regards to Media Art for the last 10 years.

This has led me to do a BA (hons) in Sound and Music Production at the University Of Plymouth and a FDA in Music Technology at Barnstaple College.

Which included:

Recording studio Production,
Film Production,
Foley Effect,
Music Scores
and Soundscape.

While at University I found a love for photography, combined with software to create Digital Abstract Art.

My main project at the moment is to develop a Digital Art Exhibition using new technologies combined
with multiple screens and surround sound to exhibit my work.

Over the last year or so I have been creating an array of new digital art work and music, to try and generate
creative ideas for the exhibition and am now ready to look into ways to make that happen.

Contact - ranjitsart@hotmail.co.uk or Call on 07989945475

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Profile Details

Another Day On The Tools

Another Day On The Tools (music ,composed and produced By Ranjit)

From East To West

From East To West (music ,composed and produced By Ranjit)

Heaven Will Fall

Heaven Will Fall (music ,composed and produced By Ranjit)