Catch this interview on 'The Multifarious Mix' with director Adam Brummitt, as he discusses our upcoming production of Steven Fechter's 'The Woodsman':
If you're a reviewer for print or online media contact Kate Wilson at audiencedevelopment@randomactstheatre.org for information on complimentary tickets to the press preview night.
Exeter Phoenix Black Box
February 1st-4th; 8th - 10th
£8 (£5 Concessional)
Praise For Random Acts Theatre:
'Brummitt's technique is faultless and his talent undeniable as he delivers a powerful virtuoso performance'
Remote Goat (on The Gog/Magog Project)
'Brummitt is undoubtedly a talent to be reckoned with. His work with Random Acts Theatre is ongoing, and he has been part of a number of exciting and interesting productions of which I hope to witness many more...'
The Journal (on Adam Brummitt's This Go 'Round)
For more information visit http://www.randomactstheatre.org/
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Website: http://www.randomactstheatre.org/