Rabbit Attack PR / News / Fri 08 May 2015
The Creative Marketer - Getting Buzzy For The British Beekeepers

The Creative Marketer has been a busy little honey (bee?) and bringing her design skills to the fore for the British Bee Keepers Association. The BBKA asked The Creative Marketer to provide strong innovative literature for their new 'Bee A Hero' campaign.
Promotional leaflet created to raise awareness of the issues the honey bee faces and how becoming a ‘Friend of the Honey Bee’ can help raise vital funds needed for research.
Eye-catching and fresh the 'Bee A Hero' leaflet inspires, with a meadow field feel, superb photography and great use of illustration to get all the points across.
The Creative Marketer
This Devon based company...specialises in designing brochures, leaflets, flyers, product packaging and POS for any business. Her B2B and B2C marketing skills are a result of 17 years of experience in the FMCG, Leisure & Tourism, Charity and Retail industries. And the difference? All her designs are underpinned by proven marketing principles and processes to ensure maximum engagement, loyalty and of course sales.
For more information visit http://www.thecreativemarketer.co.uk/