Rabbit Attack PR / News / Wed 24 Jun 2015
Rabbit Attack PR Rocking Her Socks Off At Download

Rabbiting Away To the Cadillac Three & The Von Hertzen Brothers
Download Festival - Alive With Talent
Miss Rabbit Attack was privileged to be asked along to interview The Cadillac Three and the Von Hertzen Brothers this year at Download Festival by those super friendly cats at Spinefarm Records.
Nervously, for this was only third and fourth attempt at interviewing rock bands, she waited backstage to speak first to Kelby Ray the steel guitarist for The Cadillac Three, those good ole southern boys with a penchant for a genre of rock which relishes in radio-ready country anthems, hard-and-heavy rock and traditional Southern folk, she needn't have worried - what a swell guy! The interview can be listened to here, and explains all the musical influences, how Kelby feels about playing in the UK and also Beer or Bullshit ... yep you heard that right!!! Interview on https://soundcloud.com/rabbit-attack-pr/sets/the-cadillac-three/s-UobCp
Von Hertzen Brothers lead singer Mikko von Hertzen, that lover of all things huggable (he told me his guru is the famous Mata Amritanandamayi) , was a proper gent and super cool to boot! The Finnish bands brand of music couldn't be further from the death metal loved by that land, but boy do they rock. With their brand new single 'Hold Me Up' literally just being released, playing Download couldn't have been better timed. Check out our video interview on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SueFeQzw-VI
For more information visit https://soundcloud.com/rabbit-attack-pr/sets/the-cadillac-three/s-UobCp