Rabbit Attack PR / News / Mon 08 Dec 2014
Devonian Mystical Legends Reborn With Jewels - 'Only Here'

Mystical Legends From Devon Reborn In Jewels
Only Here has a treasure chest containing the hidden legends of Devon. Spiralling through the mists of time these legends have been reborn as magical jewels, with stories retold and beauty recaptured.
Carla Pickering (jewellery connoisseur and writer) painstakingly hunts for jewellery which tells the story of local legends and also offers the chance for lovers of adornment to take away a sense of magic, mystery and history when they buy one of the pieces.
Carla says ..
"The idea of jewels of legend was born because I wanted to pull together the jewellery I sold with my enjoyment of all the beautiful places around Devon. There are so many incredible walks and sites to visit and writing the legends allowed me to share those places with everyone and bring back some very old legends or use the inspiration from those amazing places to create my own. I had hoped they would encourage tourism and raise awareness of the picturesque places we in Devon are so fortunate to live near."
The Jewels Of Legend prices start from £34.99
For more jewellery click link below...
The Legend of Anne Lovelock Locket
This beautiful red locket has been specially chosen to represent to Legend of Anne Lovelock. The legend of the heart of Anne Lovelock is based at the picturesque Berry Pomeroy castle. This is the legend of the tragic tale of two sisters who fall for the same man with terrible consequences for one of them. Legend says the wearer of this pendant is said to find their true love and have it forever protected.
For more information visit http://www.onlyhere.co.uk/
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Email: rabbitattackpr@gmail.com
Website: http://www.onlyhere.co.uk/