Rabbit Attack PR

Rabbit Attack PR Clients & Music

Rabbit Attack PR - Francijn Suermondt

I have been PR Executive for a very well-known brand for 8 years and now have my own PR agency. Over the last 3 years the AVE for this brand has grown by 300% from my major national and international campaigns. I have extensive experience in press release writing and ensuring that the brands I promote have varied and wide coverage in magazines, blogs, regional and national newspapers as well as TV and radio. I have an extremely good working relationship with a wide spectrum of journalists and bloggers and I have a reputation for the quickest response time in the industry.
I enjoy the creativity of forming ideas for consumer and trade shows and press launches and always bring some theatre with a twist to these events. As the brand spokesperson I have arranged interviews (and been interviewed) on numerous occasions on the television and radio. Plus, and possibly the most important factor, I love PR and believe this can be fun and inspiring, as well as a creative way to highlight brands and products.

Other Interests
Wrote rock reviews for LA Weekly when I lived in LA, and starting to write these for regional press in UK...also restaurant reviews of interesting 'hidden gem' eating houses locally.

Passionate about music and used to drum in a thrash metal Elvis cover band when I lived in Amsterdam.


My Clients Are:

View my website http://www.rabbitattackpr.com/

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Profile Details

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