Princess Theatre Torquay / Events / Tue 25 to Sat 29 Sep 2012 (5 days)
TOPS Musical Productions present ME AND MY GIRL

TOPS Musical Productions show is to be the ever popular “ME & MY GIRL” which will be at THE PRINCESS THEATRE, TORQUAY from 25th-29th September at 7.30pm nightly with a Matinee at 2.30pm on Saturday.
Featuring many well-known tunes to really set the feet tapping like “The Lambeth Walk”, “Leaning on a Lamp-post” and “The Sun has got his Hat on” this very happy show set in 1930’s London, has been described as a male version of “My Fair Lady”. It tells the story of a lowly born costermonger, Bill Snibson who finds that he is the illegitimate heir to a Lord and the fun and games start with the significant class divisions!
Direction is by the dynamic and gifted Rob Young (who now conducts the well-known ‘Military Wives Choir’ in Plymouth). The show will be directed and choreographed by Tracey Loveridge, who is currently teaching the cast how to play the spoons for the spectacular Lambeth Walk routine - (that will test the abilities of both young and old) - there will be many bruised fingers by the end of the show - but the company is willing to suffer for their art! (in order to provide an exciting and colourful show that will get audiences singing and hopefully dancing along.
Floor rehearsals are well under way and TOPS are delighted that Dean Breyley has returned after a four year break from the Society, to play BILL and he is busy refining his athletic abilities for this hilarious and physically demanding role and practising the ever popular tricks with the bowler hat - and more!
Bill’s East End girl Sally will be played by Rachel Evans, who is new to TOPS but has performed with other societies around the Bay. Rachel has enjoyed a professional entertainment career and has toured as a cabaret artiste before becoming an Entertainments Manager for Shearings hotels and various holiday parks around the UK.
The part of the sassy and seductive Lady Jacqueline will be performed by Clare Waring, who will be undertaking her first leading role with the Society, previously appearing as a Silly Girl and a Dinner Plate in the Society’s production of ‘Beauty and the Beast’.
Nick Heath returns this year as Gerald, a bumbling young fool and ‘chinless wonder’ who is trying to win the affections of Lady Jacqueline. Nick’s past performances with the Society include Rooster Hannigan in “Annie” and his impressive delivery of Gaston in the award-winning ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and his superb sense of timing will ensure a good few laughs!
Gary Abraham will play Family Solicitor Parchester, who is busy learning to “Hop a Little and Skip a Little“.
The role of the fierce and discerning Duchess will be in the capable hands of Yvonne Tilley, with debonair David Streeter undertaking the part Sir John Tremayne.
The leading roles will be supported by David Hyde Constantine playing Sir Jasper Tring, Jeane Frost and John Franklin playing Lord and Lady Battersby Colin Gilderthorp playing Charles the Butler and Jenny Gardner playing Mrs Brown.
Book at the Princess Theatre soon to obtain seats of your choice for this hilarious family show - Tickets £17 adults, £15 concessions, Children £10 - groups 10+ £14 - Box Office 0844 871 3023 / Groups 10+ 01803 206365 (Mon - Fri 10am - 5pm).
For more information visit http://www.atgtickets.com/torquay/
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Website: http://www.atgtickets.com/torquay/