Princess Theatre Torquay / Events / Tue 25 to Sat 29 Jun 2013 (5 days)
TOADS Stage Musical Company present...

Annie Get Your Gun
This week! 25 - 29 June 7.30pm. Sat Matinee 2.30pm
Tickets: £18 / children only £10! / General concessions available
A brand new production of Irving Berlin’s fabulous musical
The true story of Annie Oakley – a sharp shooter who manages to support her kid brothers and sisters by selling the game she hunts. When she is discovered by Col. Buffalo Bill, he persuades this novel sharp shooter to join his Wild West show. It only takes one glance for her to fall for the charms of shooting ace Frank Butler, who headlines the show. But, she soon eclipses him as the main attraction, which, while good for business, is bad for romance !! Frank hightails it off to join a rival show, but they are soon pitted against each other in a final shout out. The rousing finale hits the mark as a testament to the power of female ingenuity. This famous musical is full of toe tapping tunes such as Anything You can do I Can do Better, Doin What Comes naturally, Moonshine Lullaby, Thy say its Wonderful, and of course the Anthem to Show Business – There’s No Business Like Show Business. It is perfect family entertainment, presented in the usual spectacular Toads style with full cast and orchestra . An evening not to be missed with a show that has not been seen in South Devon for some years.