Ponytailpoet Publishing....where to begin? Following a career in teaching and the voluntary sector I finally 'retired', and started to do my own thing. Pony Products was always my monica for lots of domestic activities, but PTP has now taken over from Burton Enterprises,( the tag I used to alert HMR&C to my activities) and Ponytailpoet is now my chosen icon. To find out more please visit ponytailpoet. com and view my embryonic website.
My main activity is now a one man, one author, publishing company (I'd move it up to two or more, but there are no takers just yet) I have lots and lots of ideas that just need either more time from me or the interest of a third party. Read my many books and decide if you want to be involved. The faint-hearted and the puritanical can exit now, but for the rest of you beautiful people, welcome to my world!
View my website http://ponytailpoet.co.uk/