Play Torbay / News / Wed 15 May 2013
Quest Play Torbay

Quest Play will be in Torbay this summer. We have just heard from the Arts Council that our application for funding has been successful following two years of hard work. We have been working in partnership with Cockington Court, Greenway, Parkfield and Torquay Museum, and together with artists from the Barbican Theatre in Plymouth, The Egg Children’s Theatre in Bath and Forkbeard Fantasy in Devon will be developing an amazing project called Quest Play Torbay.
It’s a brand new concept combining challenge, adventure, community involvement and creativity. We are using the idea of ‘Quest’ to encourage children to come into local cultural venues and take creative ownership. They will devise and deliver a quest to animate these beautiful spaces and build a digital trail as a legacy to the project. Quest Play Torbay is a research and development pilot to explore the possibility of a South West Regional Touring programme in 2014.
A huge thank you to everyone who has helped us.
We are recruiting now! If you would like to know more or would like to join the Quest Play creative team phone Sarah-Jane today 07824 529255
Happy questing!
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