Play Torbay / News / Mon 27 Jan 2014
New Wave Funding for Young People's Cultural Projects

A new scheme to enable young people to lead their own creative projects has been launched in Torbay. New Wave is inviting young people in Torbay to apply for small grants of between £50 and £1500 from now until 18th March 2014.
New Wave is run by the Real Ideas Organisation (RIO) as part of their role as the Arts Council Bridge Organisation for the South West. The scheme aims to support those aged 5 – 25 in using their creativity to realise the projects that they want to see in the Bay.
Working with RIO, Play Torbay has agreed to coordinate this exciting scheme and a Youth Cultural Partnership with artists, schools, agencies and organisations in Torbay has been formed.
Successful applicants are expected to match any funds awarded to them by New Wave with money from elsewhere. This could be through selling tickets, finding sponsorship, crowd-funding or any other means. The hope is that this will develop entrepreneurial skills in the cultural leaders of the future.
Lindsey Hall, Director of RIO said, “We are really excited about New Wave and the opportunity it gives young people to set up and run their own creative event or activity. Torbay has a wealth of brilliant cultural organisations that get young people started, develop their skills and support them into training and work. New Wave helps them take the next step and bid for funds to run their first independent project.”
Projects can range from theatre to photography, poetry to sculpture and visual art to film – sports not included: the team are looking to be inspired by the artistic vision of Torbay’s young people.
To submit your project, please click here for the application form:
Frequently Asked Questions:
The Funding Criteria can be found here:
Please call Carmen de Silva, Youth Cultural Partnership Coordinator, at Play Torbay 01803 850157 or email should you have any further queries and…
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