Play Torbay / Events / Thu 04 Aug 2011
International Play Day, Wild Fox, Paignton - 3rd August 2011

Our playday was very special because it was our first play session on a scrap of land that has been 'liberated' by The WILD FOX Community Development Project who are turning it into an adventure playground for their children.
Local people had strimmed the land, local children had litter picked the land and yeterday local people young and older came together and played on the land.
In 3 weeks time SKY Television are coming to build a treehouse with the Foxhole Community at WILD FOX as part of their GREAT TREE HOUSE CHALLENGE which will be shown after the Simpsons in November!!
Everyone is very excited - there's been a lot of talk about 'what the children want' for many years and now because of a very dynamic group of people - young and old - ACTION is the name of the day and FOXHOLE is getting some, As one lovely besuited man from Torbays Natural Environament Services said about 6 weeks ago "Its Foxholes turn!"
WILD FOX will grow into an adventure playground that will be free to ALL local children for, we hope, many years to come and yesterday was our first play so Playday for us marks the beginning of WILD FOX Adventure Play (or Community Development Project when your writing funding bids!)