Play Torbay / Events / Sat 11 Apr 2015
Creativity Festival (families, FREE)

Creativity Festival
Saturday 11 April
12.00 – 4.00
Parkfield, Colin Road, Paignton TQ3 2NR
Why not finish the Easter holiday with a great trip out?
Join the Creativity Festival and have a go!
Come and try:
Street dancing ~ Parkour ~ free running ~ juggling and circus skills ~ Roaming Radio ~ Scrap fusion fashion outfits ~ graffiti ~ scrap jewellery ~ animation
Drama activities: Creative thinking challenge
Building your own wooden bird box
Digital photography
Singing with Who’s Got Talent?
There will be performances by young people throughout the Festival. There will be a market place for local artists, crafts people and young people to sell their wares.
Tables are only £5.00 each, so please book. There will be lots to buy. A cafe serving delicious food will be open.
Open to young people, groups and families. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Need more information? Are you stuck for transport? Please call Play Torbay 01803 850157 or Tony on 07437 283674.
AND it’s FREE!