Play Torbay / Events / Sat 10 Dec 2011
BAG PACKING at Sainsburys (The Willows, Torquay)

Come help raise funds for PLAY TORBAY or for YOUR OWN GROUP/ORGANISATION by bag packing for a couple of hours with children at Sainsbury's, in The Willows, Torquay and support the work we do for children across the Bay.
You are also welcome to dress up in 'Christmassy' outfits, for example with Santa hats, reindeer antlers, tinsel, etc! ;-)
There are 18 checkouts and several time-slots to choose from:
a) 8am - 10am
b) 10am - 12 noon
b) 12 noon - 2pm
c) 2pm - 4pm
d) 4pm - 6pm
e) 6pm - 8pm
f) 8pm - 10pm
Children (all ages) must be supervised by an adult in a ratio of no more than 1/3.
If you can spare time and want to have some fun - it IS a LOT of fun!! - please contact Jemma:
- by email -
- by phone - Office: 01803 850 157; Mob: 07920 108 095