FREE ADMISSION 11am - 5pm Saturday 18 August 2012
This exciting event is the second of its kind, and this time we will be focusing in on craft in every way possible! There will be taster workshops and demonstrations from our Arts Courses tutors that will introduce new people to craft, whilst showing original, inspiring ideas and techniques to seasoned makers.
We know there are some fantastic makers around today, with craft experiencing a real revival in contemporary culture – from boutique to high street fashion, make do and mend ethics has crept into high-end art. We’d love to reveal and promote these creators in a boutique craft and makers market, which will be a major component of Twist & Make. We’re inviting 30 craft-makers to apply to show their skills and sell their wares at the event.
With delightful tea and cakes, retro fruit cocktails and a quirky, eclectic soundtrack by our favourite DJ’s, Twist & Make will have something for anyone who loves the finer things in craft!
For more information visit http://www.phoenixarts.org/events.html
Event Location
Phoenix Brighton
10-14 Waterloo Place
Telephone: 01273 603 700
Email: info@phoenixbrighton.org
Website: http://www.phoenixarts.org/events.html