Phoenix Art Space / Events / Sat 11 Nov to Sun 03 Dec 2017 (3 weeks)
Maps & Lives

Creating a Brighton streetscape. A collective project. Come and participate.
Maps and Lives is a three-week gallery installation and participatory activity in which individuals and groups work with artists and activists to create maps of their lives in the city of Brighton & Hove. This collective project opens with a blank map and will accumulate documents and drawings of people's histories, journeys and connections that will fill the floor of the gallery and extend into the surrounding streets. Through your participation, the gallery will become a site that is reserved not for only for artworks but is available as a civic or democratic space.
For more information visit https://www.phoenixbrighton.org/events/maps-and-lives/
Event Location
Phoenix Brighton
10-14 Waterloo Place, Brighton
Telephone: 01273 603 700
Email: marketing@phoenixbrighton.org
Website: https://www.phoenixbrighton.org/events/maps-and-lives/