Phoenix Art Space / Events / Sat 26 Nov 2011
Active Crossover / Practical Electronica

Free entry.
A night of experimental sound and vision.
Practical Electronica: Sound Visualisation Films.
To compliment his Practical Electronica exhibition, Ian Helliwell presents a selection of experimental shorts featuring music activated images, and graphically generated soundtracks.
Part 1 involves archive films from the 1960s including the first screening of Fred Judd's Chromasonics.
Part 2 looks at Helliwell's work with super 8, modified televisions and self-built electronic circuitry.
Active Crossover
Simon Whetham presents a series of three 'sets' where two artists play solo-collaboration-solo.
Bela Emerson, Duncan Harrison, Paul Khimasia Morgan, Slow Listener, Alexander Wendt & Simon Whetham
For more information visit http://www.activecrossover.co.uk/
Event Location
Phoenix Brighton
10–14 Waterloo Place
Brighton East Sussex
Telephone: 01273 603 700
Email: info@phoenixbrighton.org
Website: http://www.activecrossover.co.uk/