Pallant House Gallery

Pallant House Gallery / Events / Sat 06 Jul to Sun 13 Oct 2013 (3 months)

Eduardo Paolozzi: Collaging Culture

Eduardo Paolozzi: Collaging Culture

A major retrospective of the work of Eduardo Paolozzi (1924–2005), one of the most inventive and prolific of the British artists to come to prominence after the Second World War.

Featuring around 150 works in a variety of media, the exhibition will explore the extraordinary versatility of Paolozzi's approach to making art and the central importance of collage as a working process within his career, not only in the traditional sense of paper collage, but also in terms of sculptural assemblage, printmaking and filmmaking.

Image Credit: Eduardo Paolozzi, Real Gold, 1949, Printed papers on paper, Tate, Presented by the artist 1995 © The Trustees of the Eduardo Paolozzi Foundation

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Event Location

Pallant House Gallery

9 North Pallant
PO19 1TJ

Telephone: 01243 774 557

Event Details
