Paignton Community College Drama / Events / Thu 23 Feb to Sat 31 Mar 2012 (1 month)
Telling Tales 2012 is off to a Ship-Shape Start!

With a special focus this year on “Sea Stories”, Telling Tales is a festival that promotes collaboration between Torbay schools, organisations, groups, businesses and the local community. Through the exploration or our local heritage, pupils and the community alike will develop an understanding and an appreciation of our heritage and celebrate the history and traditions on our doorsteps here in beautiful Devon.
With the involvement of local experts in creative fields; the valuable support and advice of established independent businesses, and contributions from Devon based personalities, we will promote a love of the arts and raised awareness of our young people’s identity here in Torbay.
The launch of Telling Tales 2012 begins a continuing collaboration between our College and the community. From skill developing workshops for our Primary teachers and students, to a final performance on the stage at the Palace Theatre, it will be an experience for all to celebrate a developing appreciation of creativity, heritage and identity.
For more information visit