organicARTS / Events / Wed 24 May 2017
An Invitation to be creative with organicARTS

On Wednesday 24th May (and later dates which will be announced) from 6pm and 8pm you will have the opportunity to explore with organicARTS at West Town Farm in Ide EX2 9TG. There will be some refreshments available for those coming straight from work
We have a room full of books which need to be moved/reused/recycled and we are doing this by using them creatively to make work for our Devon Open Studios exhibition (Sat 16th – Sun 24th Sept).
We will set up a number of explorations which may use the books as the subject, the object or the inspiration for creativity and will link in some way to the farm
All (including independent or supervised children) are welcome to become involved wherever you are on your road as an artist, and we welcome people who would like to experiment in a different genre from their normal work
We hope that some of you would like to make or do something to contribute to our exhibition which will be on a farm trail and in farm buildings
On the last day of the exhibition Sun 24th Sept) we will have workshops/walks/performances/demonstrations etc. using books, for public participation.
Please let us know if you are coming and if you are unable to attend but would like to participate. Please contact or 01392 811080
For more information visit
Event Location
Organic Arts
West Town Farm
Telephone: 01392 811 080