Fun quiz in the Hall: Saturday 26 May- Sunday 3 June,
during Hall opening times
Classic car rally: Sunday 3 June, 11am-3pm
There has been some skulduggery going on at Oakwell Hall in Birstall. Someone has sneaked household items into the rooms that would not have been there in the 17th Century. So over Spring Bank half-term families are being challenged to find the ‘Odd One Out’.
The quiz runs during the Hall’s opening times of 12noon until 4pm from Saturday, 26 May, through to Thursday, 31 May, and then Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 June. The quiz is free but normal Hall charges apply. Tickets, priced adult £3.50, child £1 and families £8, are available from the Visitor Centre shop.
Then on Sunday, 3 June, the Yorkshire Rover Club returns with another ‘Classic Car Rally’. Visitors can admire the shining lines of a wide range of classic cars set out on the lawn in front of the Hall between 11am and 4.30pm. The rally is free to attend.
For further information contact the Visitor Centre shop, next to the car park at the top of Nova Lane, Birstall, tel: 01924 324761.
News Location
Oakwell Hall country Park
Nova Lane
West Yorkshire
WF17 9LG
Telephone: 01924 324 761
Email: oakwell.hall@kirklees.gov.uk