New Maynard Gallery

New Maynard Gallery / Opportunities / Mon 31 Dec 2018

Volunteers Needed

Volunteers Needed

The New Maynard Gallery in Welwyn Garden City is a community gallery run entirely by volunteers. We are currently looking to expand our bank of volunteers and are looking for more volunteer exhibition helpers and a couple more trustees.

Volunteer helpers would ideally be able to spare 2 - 4 hours every 6 weeks to help put up and take down exhibitions.

Volunteer trustees would ideally be able to spare 3 - 6 hrs every 6 weeks to attend trustees meeting, assist at private views, help hang and take down exhibitions and help promote the gallery to the local community and local artists.

For more information visit

Opportunity Location

New Maynard Gallery

Upstairs Hawthorne Theatre
Campus West
Welwyn Garden City


Opportunity Details
