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Nestegg Antiques

Nestegg Antiques English Antique Pottery: Antique Toby Jugs

Specialize in early English antique pottery dated 1740-1840 that includes antique toby jugs, salt glazed stoneware pottery, English delft, creamware, pearlware, Staffordshire pottery figures.

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Nestegg Antiques

Godalming, Surrey, GU7 3HS

Telephone: 07774 234 509

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Antique Toby Jugs - English Toby Jugs - Staffordshire Toby JugsAntique Toby Jugs - English Toby Jugs - Staffordshire Toby Jugs

Wide range of antique toby jugs, English Toby Jugs from Staffordshire etc at Nestegg Antiques. Choose the best toby jugs, mugs, figurines from Staff...