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Neomari Creative Sector Services

Neomari Creative Sector Services / Events / Tue 18 May to Tue 22 Jun 2021 (1 month)

Expressive Art for Wellbeing

Expressive Art for Wellbeing

We are working with the Healthy Hub at ASCEND Charity UK, to run a 6 week Expressive Art Programme. Join us to find out the benefits of art in health and to chat, discuss and create over the next few weeks.
The sessions will be facilitated by Ekky Archibong and you will be able to try different techniques while learning how creativity can help with your wellbeing.
Basic kits are provided but you will need to contact us asap so that they can be sent out to you in good time.

For more information, please contact Jane Drury at the Healthy Hub, ASCEND on 07483104911 or at

For more information visit

Event Location


Online via ZOOM

Telephone: 07483 104 911

Event Details