MUSiK / News / Sat 17 Jul 2021
Workshops to help you with grant funding for Year of Music

The Year of Music 2023 is a year-long festival of music led by Kirklees Council, in partnership with music organisations from across the district.
We know that it will need participation from all the people and groups that give Kirklees such a diverse and varied musical culture including community groups, charities, social enterprises, bands, orchestras, and schools.
To help make the Year of Music 2023 the best it can be, help is being offered to groups to look at what community grant funding is available and to give support and guidance on applying for funding to enable you to put on events during the year. You might be a music group, a choir, a brass band or a group who wants to put on a music event – these workshops are for you and will help to guide you through the funding application process and where to look for funding. The sessions are aimed at not-for-profit groups and organisations.
The workshops are led by Lisa Jagger of Straight Forward Funding and previous participants have found them to be easy to follow and very helpful in their funding application journey. Workshops continue to take place throughout July and August via Zoom, are free to attend and are open to a person or group who wishes to contribute towards Year of Music 2023. Join one session or as many as you like.
You can find more about the workshops and book your place at https://www.bit.ly/YoMFundingWorkshops
To learn more about the Year of Music 2023 visit https://www.musicinkirklees.co.uk/year-of-music-2023
To find out more about Straight Forward Funding visit https://www.straightforwardfunding.com
For more information visit https://bit.ly/YoMFundingWorkshops
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Website: https://bit.ly/YoMFundingWorkshops