MUSiK / Opportunities / Thu 07 May 2020
Communications, PR and media for musicians

Brighter Sound has launched a series of free online webinars to support musicians and music professionals during COVID-19, hosted by Remi Harris MBE.
Communications, PR and media is aimed at people promoting themselves and their business or organisation through media, press releases and social media considering how to change messaging, campaigns or promotion in response to COVID-19.
Date: Thursday 7 May
Time: 1:00 pm-1:45 pm
Via Zoom
The session will cover:
- Pivoting your communications to take account of media/news priorities
Releasing new music, timing and tone
- Campaigning, lessons learned from FanFair Alliance campaign and issues that might be different for current campaigns
- Changes happening within media such as reduced programming, advertising and production
For more information visit https://www.brightersound.com/event/communications-covid19/