MUSiK / News / Tue 14 Sep 2021
Tickets for the Year of Music 2023 Pre-Launch event

Have you booked your ticket for the pre-launch event for Kirklees Year of Music 2023 at the Lawrence Batley Theatre in Huddersfield on Wednesday 22 September? Everyone's invited!
From 6.00pm there will be live music, street entertainment and refreshments in the Lawrence Batley Theatre Courtyard.
From 7.00pm, there will be performances, welcome speeches and keynote speaker, Shain Shapiro from Sound Diplomacy, We will launch our Year of Music vision and you can hear about exciting ways you can become involved!
To book your place, please follow the link below.
The launch marks a moment in time where we as a community can come together, and celebrate the Year of Music ambition. From here we will work together through our pandemic recovery, developing partnerships, collaborations and strengthening our music ecology. Our aim is to deliver a very unique year of culture, based on our musical heritage that explores the cultural DNA of Kirklees.
There will also be an ‘after-launch’ party at The Parish with The Lovely Eggs.
Doors 7.30pm // £12.50 advance // 14+ with Adults
Tickets on sale now from Crash Records / Vinyl Tap Records / Turntable Vinyl Cafe / Parishpub.co.uk - please follow this link for tickets: www.bit.ly/Lovelyeggs
Dress to impress and we look forward to seeing you there!
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/year-of-music-2023-launch-event-tickets-165142741385
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/year-of-music-2023-launch-event-tickets-165142741385