Hi to all parents, grandparents, and other carers of babies and young children!
My name is Carol Holbrow, I am an experienced early year's practitioner and I run MUSIC with MUMMY classes in our area for babies aged from 12 weeks in 'Jolly Babies' sessions which is music and movement based, and for toddlers aged 1 to 4 years at 'Music with Mummy' classes which is music and early learning. All classes are small, friendly and relaxed with an emphasis on fun whilst learning about music, rhythm and the greater world around them at the same time.
Classes have been running throughout the UK and overseas since 1992 and I have been taking my own classes here in South Devon since September 2007. Classes are held at Marldon Village Hall and at Goodrington Methodist Church.
If you would like to join our ever-growing numbers and get your children involved in music from their earliest age please call (01803) 842839 / 07902 328922 or email carol@musicwithmummyandcarol.co.uk to book into a class near you.
Have a look at the website for more information and class times.
View my website http://www.musicwithmummyandcarol.co.uk/
My Location
Music with Mummy
Marldon Village Hall
Village Road
Telephone: 07902 328 922
Email: carol@musicwithmummyandcarol.co.uk
Website: http://www.musicwithmummyandcarol.co.uk/
New Term Begins Monday 8th January 2018 Few places remaining! Call or email asap to secure a place for your little one www.musicwithmummyandcaro...
New Venue - Lupton House, Brixham / Wed 17 Aug 2011
This September 2011 sees a new venue for the Thursday morning session. The class will now be held at the beautiful Lupton House near Brixham. The cl...
Three Four Time for Preschoolers Starting 22nd February '10 / Sun 31 Jan 2010
New music classes for 3 - 5 year olds are starting in February at Marldon Village Hall. There are a few places available but class size will be limite...
My Events
Music with Mummy Torbay's New Blog! / Mon 08 Jan to Fri 09 Feb 2018 (1 month)
Term Begins! Few places available. Looking forward to meeting some new families this new year! www.musicwithmummyandcarol.co.uk www.facebo...
Music with Mummy and Jolly Babies / Mon 10 to Fri 21 Aug 2009 (2 weeks)
Summer Holiday Classes Everyone welcome, please call to book your place on 01803 842839