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Roots Criteria

Roots Criteria

A Wayne McArthur & The Universal Players Studio Recording From The 2016 EP/LP/CD/MP3 Reggae Project That Is Due For Release In The Spring/Summer Of 2017 The Track Entitled "Roots Criteria" Is A Dubwise Live Version Is.....Read more

Dusty Road

I wrote this song in an afternoon, I feel it is unfinished, and yet not sure where to take it. I like to see the man and woman as two people, each with hidden stories, each unknown to us, and yet they come together and .....Read more

Where Else by Frank Tout

Where else is a poem about the depth of beauty in the eyes of someone you love, and who loves you...Read more

Scariest Word by Frank Tout

Just what is your "Scariest Word"??? We all have one..... don't we??..Read more

Back to you by Frank tout

To return, when that is the only place you want to be......Read more

Stars by Frank Tout

A love poem..Read more

Poetry in Song "in the hands of a fool" by Frank Tout

Poetry in Song "in the hands of a fool" by Frank Tout The title says it all really, this is a poem in song about a fiery character (not me of course) quelled by love...Read more

Poetry in Song "If all that was left of you" by Frank Tout

Poetry in Song "If all that was left of you" by Frank Tout A song about the deepness of feeling about someone, and a way of describing those feelings...Read more

Poetry in Song "Gone Acapella" by Frank Tout

Poetry in Song "Gone Acapella" by Frank Tout This is a Poem in Song without music, just me.... Its a song about... well... you just have to listen..... Frank..Read more

POETRY "Worldlike"

Another audio poem, about the someone special...Read more

Basic Rock Song

Basic Rock Song

This song was written by Hugh Nankivell and first performed as part of the GeoQuest in May 2010. On the 2nd October 2010 Hugh will lead the Torbay Commnunity Choir in a rendition of the song for the official opening of .....Read more

BBC Radio Devon interview with Amelia Marriette re Gormley

Interview with Amelia Marriette, Keeper of Art at Torre Abbey, and Jo Loosemore of BBC Radio Devon re this Summers Antony Gormley installation...Read more

27.03.09- Radio Devon re Gormley

|nterview with Amelia Marriette @ Torre Abbey..Read more

BBC interview

BBC interview

BBC interview..Read more

Little Bird

Little Bird

New track "Little Bird", recorded at the Sawmills Studios,Cornwall...Read more

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