Marlborough Road Methodist Churc

Marlborough Road Methodist Churc Welcome!

The church premises are used by a number of local groups as well as being home to a diverse and active congregation.
The worship space is used for Sunday worship, and is a wonderful venue for lectures, concerts and performances.
Regular community events organised by the church are Toddlers on Tuesday mornings and Chatterbox coffee mornings on Thursdays.
Thinking Lunches are held on the first Thursday of the month between September and June. Half an hour talk from a speaker then discussion. Topics are many and varied and always stimulating. Bring your own sandwiches, the church provides tea, coffee and cold drinks.
We have signed up to Hertfordshire Year of Culture - we are looking forward to celebrating, sharing and exploring arts, culture and heritage in our worship and in our other activities.

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My Location

Marlborough Road Methodist Church

Marlborough Road
St Albans


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