Fossil Fun day at Lowewood Museum.
Our friends from Rockwatch are going to be here and there’ll be lots of fun things to do including:
• Make a Jurassic landscape
• Have a go at making your own plaster cast fossils
• Dino hunt around the museum.
• Bring your fossils to have them identified and see other fossils on display!
Free to attend. Event is on ground floor so is wheelchair accessible.
Rockwatch is the national young geologist's association.
For more information visit https://lowewoodmuseum.com/2022/03/24/fossil-fun/
Event Location
Lowewood Museum
High Street, Hoddesdon
EN11 8BE
Telephone: 07803 371 214
Email: museum@lowewoodmuseum.com
Website: https://lowewoodmuseum.com/2022/03/24/fossil-fun/