Lizzy Hardingham / News / Wed 27 Mar 2024
Callout for Creative Activity Plans

Hertfordshire Libraries and My Story are looking for some exciting and engaging art activity plans to accompany our Summer Reading Challenge offer, which this year is all about creativity.
We are looking for artists or creative practitioners to work on a plan for art activities that can be hosted in Hertfordshire Libraries. We hope to provide a variety of simple and engaging art activities that are achievable independently (i.e. with no artist or staff supervision) and in a short time, as part of a child’s regular library visit. The activities will be aimed, mainly, at primary school aged children.
We would like each artist to come up with an activity plan that includes:
• A description of what the activity entails
• Instructions of how to complete the activity
• Resource list (this could use ex stock books, old magazines or newspapers that libraries already have. Ideally not a resource heavy activity as there will be no staff member there to manage resources)
We welcome ideas from artist or creative practitioner, who will be paid at an hourly rate in line with Artist Union England guidelines. We estimate the plan should take 2 hours to complete. Please send a brief description of your idea to for review before commencing the 2 hours of work.
For more information visit