Literature Works / Opportunities / Fri 02 Dec 2011
Finances and Book-keeping administrator for Cyprus Well

Title: Finances and Book-keeping administrator
Based at: Cyprus Well, Exeter Central Library, Castle Street, Exeter
Term: We are tendering for quotations from freelance Book-keepers/financial administrators to undertake day-to-day financial management for Cyprus Well. We anticipate the role would take four days per month, one day weekly, with payment to be made monthly or quarterly, based in our offices in central Exeter.
How to apply for this tender:
Please send us a cover letter telling us how your experience meets our job description and requirements and including either a monthly or quarterly quotation for your services based on one day per week (or equivalent) support. Within the monthly time, support can be provided on a flexible basis.
Please send your tenders to:
Tracey Guiry
Cyprus Well
Exeter Central Library
Castle Street
Closing date for applications: December 2nd 2011
Interviews with CEO, Cyprus Well by invitation during the week of 12th – 16th December.
Reports to: CEO, Cyprus Well
For more information visit http://www.cypruswell.org/about-us.php
Opportunity Location
Exeter Central Library
Castle Street,
Telephone: 01392 495 102
Email: mail@cypruswell.org
Website: http://www.cypruswell.org/about-us.php