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Fairlands Valley Farmhouse - Open Studios - October 2015

Sat 17 to Sun 18 Oct 2015 (2 days)

Fairlands Valley Farmhouse - Open Studios - October 2015

Next weekend we will be having another Open Studios at the Farmhouse in Stevenage. Fairlands Valley Farmhouse is one of the studios managed by Digswell Arts for artists who are just starting out in their artistic career.....Read more

Living Crafts 2016

Thu 05 May 2016

Living Crafts 2016

I’m looking forward to exhibiting again at Living Crafts at Hatfield House this week. I shall be demonstrating alongside June Faulkner, Sharon Korek and Lesley Polllock in the HVA marquee this Thursday 5th May 2016...Read more

Sat 08 Nov 2014

Singing Together Workshop

A one-day workshop run by Barnet Choral Society for those who would like to sing in a choir. Using a variety of Christmas music, participants will learn the techniques of voice production and singing together in a relaxe.....Read more

Sat 22 Nov 2014

Mozart: Requiem

Our next concert - the first with our new Musical Director, Richard Brain - will be a performance of Mozart's Requiem. The programme also includes Mozart's Venite Populi plus music by Haydn...Read more

Sat 20 Dec 2014

Christmas Concert

Join us for our Christmas concert with seasonal songs for all and Charpentier's Messe de Minuit!..Read more

Sat 14 Mar 2015

Improve Your Singing - Barnet Choral Society

Join us for a day looking at singing techniques and some popular opera choruses!..Read more

Sat 28 Mar 2015

Elijah - Barnet Choral Society

Join us for a powerful performance of Mendelssohn's Elijah. The concert features a large orchestra, so we're using a new venue!..Read more

Wed 09 Sep 2015

Barnet Choral Society New Season 2015 - 2016

Our new season starts on Wednesday 9th September with an open evening. This is an excellent opportunity to 'try us out'. We shall be rehearsing Faure's Requiem and a new work commissioned by us from coimposer Jonathan Ra.....Read more

Sat 26 Sep 2015

Sight Singing Well

A workshop for anyone who would like to improve their music sight-reading skills. Barnet Choral Society's President, Jonathan Rathbone - composer, conductor, arranger, author - will lead a workshop carefully designed to .....Read more

Sat 21 Nov 2015

Rathbone: A Day at the Fair and Faure: Requiem

A concert to celebrate our 75th season. This will include the World Premiere of 'A Day at the Fair', a piece specially written for BCS by our President Jonathan Rathbone - composer, conductor, arranger, author - with wor.....Read more

Sat 19 Dec 2015

Barnet Choral Society Christmas Concert

A traditional Christmas Concert of carols and songs for choir and audience..Read more

Sat 30 Jan 2016

Improve Your Singing Workshop

Another of our occasional series, this time featuring well-known songs from stage and screen. It will be held on Saturday January 30th 2016 from 10am to 4.00pm...Read more

Sat 19 Mar 2016

Barnet Choral Society presents Bach's St John Passion

An opportunity to hear this great work sung in the original German. We will be joined by the accomplished Musica Donum Dei and soloists Ed Bullard, Gwilym Bowen, Rene Bloice-Sanders, Iris Korker, Guy James, and William .....Read more

Sat 02 Jul 2016

Gilbert and Sullivan: Trial by Jury, plus other choral encores

Time: 1930 BST Tickets: £12 or £8 Performers: Barnet Choral Society Conductor: Richard Brain Accompanist: Alexander Binns A performance of Gilbert and Sullivan's short but masterly comic opera whose subject-matter.....Read more

Sat 22 Oct 2016

Lif Up Your Heads: Exploring Handel's Messiah

This all-day workshop, beginning at 10 AM and finishing at approximately 4 PM, workshop is led by Richard Brain, our musical director. Come and spend the day looking at popular choruses from this perennial favourite! We.....Read more

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