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Chris Gollon Exhibition at Chichester Catherdal: ‘Incarnation, M

Tue 16 Jun to Sun 16 Aug 2015 (2 months)

Chris Gollon Exhibition at Chichester Catherdal: ‘Incarnation, M

An exhibition of Chris Gollon’s latest religious works in the Cathedral’s North Transept. Chris Gollon is an established name in British painting and this extraordinary exhibition, which is touring cathedrals in the UK, .....Read more

Family Activities at Chichester Cathedral: ‘Wonderful Water’

Fri 28 Aug 2015

Family Activities at Chichester Cathedral: ‘Wonderful Water’

Create a wonderful flying fish, jellyfish or shark. Enjoy decorating or weaving a beautiful rainbow fish. Design and make your own collaged seaside scene or underwater world. Have fun completing our 'Wonderful Water' tr.....Read more

Lunchtime Concert at Chichester Cathedral –Ellie Ayling

Tue 15 to Tue 29 Sep 2015 (2 weeks)

Lunchtime Concert at Chichester Cathedral –Ellie Ayling

Come and hear Ellie Alying give a saxophone and piano recital at Chichester Cathedral. All are welcome and entry is free...Read more

Lunchtime Concert at Chichester Cathedral - Dexter Kennedy

Tue 22 Sep 2015

Lunchtime Concert at Chichester Cathedral - Dexter Kennedy

Come and hear Dexter Kennedy at 13:10 on Tuesday 22nd September perform a number of pieces on the organ at Chichester Cathedral. Dexter Kennedy is the winner of the Grand Prize for Interpretation at the 24th Internationa.....Read more

Lunchtime Concert at Chichester Cathedral-Fujita Piano Trio

Tue 29 Sep 2015

Lunchtime Concert at Chichester Cathedral-Fujita Piano Trio

Come and hear the Fujita Piano Trio, three Japanese sisters, perform a lunchtime concert at 13:10 at Chichester Cathedral. Arisa Fujita on the violin, Megumi Fujita on the piano and Hanoka Fujita on the cello. All are we.....Read more

'Songs that Won the War' Talk at Chichester Cathedral

Mon 07 Sep 2015

'Songs that Won the War' Talk at Chichester Cathedral

At 14:30 Come and hear Canon David Nason talk at Chichester Cathedral about the songs that won the war. Arranged by the Cathedral Fellowship in the Vicars' Hall, anyone is welcome. Entry is free with a cup of tea offer.....Read more

'See behind the Scenes' at Chichester Cathedral

Sat 12 Sep 2015

'See behind the Scenes' at Chichester Cathedral

Come and see behind the scenes between 13:00 and 16:00 at Chichester Cathedral. As part of the Heritage Open Day, areas normally closed to the public will be open to visitors, including the Song School and Cathedral Libr.....Read more

Textile Encounters: Intro Cathedral Workshop

Fri 11 Sep 2015

Textile Encounters: Intro Cathedral Workshop

Come and join a workshop between 10:00 and 16:00 entitled Textile Encounters at Chichester Cathedral in the Vicars' Hall. To register visit £35..Read more

'Food for Thought' Lunch & Talk at Chichester Cathedral

Wed 16 Sep 2015

'Food for Thought' Lunch & Talk at Chichester Cathedral

Come for a lunch and talk entitled 'Food for Thought' in the Vicars' Hall at Chichester Cathedral between 12.15 and 14:00 at which Tim Cannell, the Headmaster of the Chichester Cathedral Prebendal School and the Chairman.....Read more

'Book at Breakfast' at Chichester Cathedral

Wed 30 Sep 2015

'Book at Breakfast' at Chichester Cathedral

Come to breakfast at George Bell House in Canon Lane in the Cathedral Close at 09:00 until 10:00 and hear the Cathedral Chancellor the Rev Canon Dr Antony Cane discuss a book entitled 'On Rock or Sand - Firm Foundations .....Read more