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Hertford Food & Drink Festival

Sat 12 to Sun 13 Oct 2013 (2 days)

Hertford Food & Drink Festival

We will be celebrating Hertford Food and Drink Festival by running food related activities all week as well as opening on Sunday 13th October. There will be a special coffee brew bar in store and Oaks Hampers will join.....Read more

'The Girl Who Loves Wellies' Craft Activity

Thu 17 Oct 2013

'The Girl Who Loves Wellies' Craft Activity

Celebrate Autumn by splashing in puddles, playing with leaves and joining us for a reading of Zara Hicks' book. £5/£4 Siblings. 10:00am..Read more

'Room On the Broom' Craft Activity

Thu 24 Oct 2013

'Room On the Broom' Craft Activity

A reading of this classic by Julia Donaldson and Alex Scheffler followed by making our own broomsticks and cats! £5/£4 Siblings. 10:00am..Read more

'Winnie the Witch' Craft Activity

Thu 31 Oct 2013

'Winnie the Witch' Craft Activity

Halloween fun with lanterns and Cauldrons! £5/£4 Siblings 10:00am..Read more

'Daniel's Pet' book launch with author Claire Gristwood

Sat 02 Nov 2013

'Daniel's Pet' book launch with author Claire Gristwood

Claire Gristwood will be coming in store to sign her latest book 'Daniel's Pet' and read an extract. We will also have other activities about 'pet's' in store! 11am...Read more

Book Club for 8-11 Year Olds

Tue 12 Nov 2013

Book Club for 8-11 Year Olds

Book Club for 8-11 year olds will meet again! This month we will be reading 'Northwood'' by Brian Falkner and 'Charlotte's Web' by E.H. White, writing reviews and choosing our next book. If you are interested in joining.....Read more

You Made This...

Wed 27 Nov 2013

You Made This...

You Made This...will be coming into Leaf to make Faerie Wings and Tutus (£10) - visit to reserve your place but hurry as they're going quickly! - 4pm..Read more

You Made This...

Wed 11 Dec 2013

You Made This...

You Made This...will be coming into Leaf to make Faerie Wings and Tutus (£10) - visit to reserve your place but hurry as they're going quickly! - 4pm..Read more

'The Very Helpful Hedgehog' - Craft Actvitiy

Thu 07 Nov 2013

'The Very Helpful Hedgehog' - Craft Actvitiy

Get autumnal with us as we do apple printing and make play-dough hedgehogs after reading 'The Very Helpful Hedgehog' by Rosie Wellesley. 10am & 2pm..Read more

'The Beeman' Craft Activity

Thu 14 Nov 2013

'The Beeman' Craft Activity

We will be reading 'The Beeman' by Laurie Krebs & Valerie Cis and making our own buzzy bees! 10am & 2pm. £5 per child/ £4 per sibling...Read more

The Lost Stars

Thu 21 Nov 2013

The Lost Stars

Come and join us to read 'The Lost Stars' by Hannah Cumming and making our own star mobile. £5 per child/£4 per sibling 10am & 2pm...Read more

'Beauty and the Beast' Craft Activity

Thu 28 Nov 2013

'Beauty and the Beast' Craft Activity

In honour of Hertford Theatre's pantomime 'Beauty and the Beast' (visit we will be reading this classic tale and creating our own Beast masks - prepare to be scared. £5 per child/£4 per sibling......Read more

'Ella Bella Ballerina and the Nutcracker' Craft Activity

Thu 05 Dec 2013

'Ella Bella Ballerina and the Nutcracker' Craft Activity

Join us as we read 'Ella Bella Ballerina and the Nutcracker' by James Mayhew and make your own sweetie Christmas decorations. £5 per child/ £4 per sibling. 10am & 2pm...Read more

'The Christmas Show' Craft Activity

Thu 12 Dec 2013

'The Christmas Show' Craft Activity

We will be reading 'The Christmas Show' by Rebecca Patterson and making our own theatre scenes based on the story. £5 per child/£4 per sibling .....Read more

'Twas the Night Before Christmas' Craft Activity

Thu 19 Dec 2013

'Twas the Night Before Christmas' Craft Activity

We'll be reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' and making reindeer food for Rudolf & his friends in specially designed bags! £5 per child/£4 per sibling. 10 am & 2pm...Read more

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