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'The Christmas Show' Craft Activity

Thu 12 Dec 2013

'The Christmas Show' Craft Activity

We will be reading 'The Christmas Show' by Rebecca Patterson and making our own theatre scenes based on the story. £5 per child/£4 per sibling .....Read more

'Twas the Night Before Christmas' Craft Activity

Thu 19 Dec 2013

'Twas the Night Before Christmas' Craft Activity

We'll be reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' and making reindeer food for Rudolf & his friends in specially designed bags! £5 per child/£4 per sibling. 10 am & 2pm...Read more

'Herman's Letter' Craft Activity

Thu 09 Jan 2014

'Herman's Letter' Craft Activity

Join us as we read 'Herman's Letter' by Tom Percival and write some letters to go in your own post box. 10am & 2pm £5/£4 siblings..Read more

Creative Writing Course for 8-11 Year Olds

Wed 22 Jan to Wed 19 Mar 2014 (2 months)

Creative Writing Course for 8-11 Year Olds

The course will start on Wednesday 22nd of January at 4.15pm and will run for 8 weeks (until 19th March). This will be followed by an event on Saturday 22nd where our budding authors will have the chance to share their .....Read more

World Book Day Trail

Tue 04 to Sun 09 Mar 2014 (6 days)

World Book Day Trail

Have you heard that various book characters have escaped around Hertford? Can you help identify the escapees? It is vital we know who is missing before the end of World Book Week.....If you find them all you may well win.....Read more

Lis Protherough Talks About Successful Teens

Sat 08 Mar 2014

Lis Protherough Talks About Successful Teens

Lis Protherough has written a book for both parents and teenagers to help navigate the world of today and achieve their full potential. She will be talking about her approach and answering questions in the shop on Saturd.....Read more

Jack's Supersonic Submarine Craft Activity

Thu 13 Mar 2014

Jack's Supersonic Submarine Craft Activity

Join us as we read 'Jack's Supersonic Submarine' by Alison Rithchie and make our own aqua adventure scenes! £5/ £4 siblings. 14:00pm..Read more

Elmer Craft Activity

Thu 20 Mar 2014

Elmer Craft Activity

We will be celebrating 25 years of 'Elmer' by David Mckee and creating our own patchwork elephants! £5/£4 siblings 2:00pm..Read more

Dino-mummy Craft Activity

Mon 31 to Thu 27 Mar 2014 (-3 days)

Dino-mummy Craft Activity

Join us as we celebrate Mother's Day by reading 'Dino-Mummy' by Mark Sperring & Sam Lloyd as well as 'Mum's the Word' by Timothy Knapman. We will then be making our own Mother's day cards. 2:00pm £5/£4 siblings..Read more

Gruffalo Craft Activity

Thu 03 Apr 2014

Gruffalo Craft Activity

Start the Easter holidays in style as we read 'The Gruffalo' by Julia Donaldson and make our own Gruffalo masks. Don't forget to book your tickets to see 'The Gruffalo' at Hertford Theatre 4th-6th of April. £5/£4 siblin.....Read more

999 Tadpoles Craft Activity

Thu 10 Apr 2014

999 Tadpoles Craft Activity

Celebrate Spring with us as we read '999 Tadpoles' by Ken Kimura and make our own frogspawn, tadpoles and pond scenes. £5/£4 siblings 2.00pm..Read more

The Great Easter Egg Scramble

Thu 17 Apr 2014

The Great Easter Egg Scramble

It's Easter and we'll be making cards and baskets as we read 'The Great Easter Egg Scramble' by Timothy Knapman. £5/£4 siblings 2.00pm..Read more

Graffes Can't Dance Craft Activity

Thu 24 Apr 2014

Graffes Can't Dance Craft Activity

This week we will read 'Giraffes Can't Dance by iles Andrae and Guy Parker Rees and make our own giraffe models. £5/£4 siblings 2.00pm..Read more

Ver Poets AGM and Door into the Dark competition

Fri 19 Sep 2014

Ver Poets AGM and Door into the Dark competition

Members invited to come along for the AGM at 7.30 pm in St Michael’s Church Hall and have their say on the running of the society. After a pause for refreshments, at 9 pm we will find out who penetrated furthest into the.....Read more

Dylan Thomas Evening

Thu 16 Oct 2014

Dylan Thomas Evening

The rumours have started. A dead poet has been spotted late at night, stumbling through the Maltings. “Dylan Thomas is still alive,” it’s whispered. “Surely that was Elvis?” comes the reply. But the witness knows what .....Read more

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