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Survivor Talk - Iby Knill BEM

Sun 07 Apr 2019

Survivor Talk - Iby Knill BEM

Survivor Iby Knill describes her experiences as a concentration camp prisoner at Auschwitz-Birkenau. The Holocaust Exhibition and Learning Centre will be open from 12 – 4pm to enable guests to see the exhibition. Iby.....Read more

Survivor Talk - Leisel Carter

Sun 09 Jun 2019

Survivor Talk - Leisel Carter

Holocaust child refugee Leisel talks about her experiences fleeing Nazi Germany as a four year old child through Norway and Sweden, for part of the journey alone. The Holocaust Exhibition and Learning Centre will be .....Read more

Photographing the Holocaust - Dr Stefan Hoerdler

Wed 05 Jun 2019

Photographing the Holocaust - Dr Stefan Hoerdler

'The Auschwitz Album' contains photographs documenting the arrival of Hungarian Jews at Auschwitz-Birkenau and the process they underwent. Despite the images being universally recognized very little is known about them. .....Read more

First Anniversary Celebrations

Sun 15 Sep 2019

First Anniversary Celebrations

Join us on Sunday 15th September to celebrate the first anniversary of the opening of The Holocaust Exhibition and Learning Centre. The exhibition will be open to visitors. We will celebrate our achievements during ou.....Read more

In Discussion: Lady Milena Grenfell-Baines and Barbara Winton

Sun 15 Sep 2019

In Discussion: Lady Milena Grenfell-Baines and Barbara Winton

We are pleased to welcome Lady Milena Grenfell-Baines and Barbara Winton to The Holocaust Exhibition and Learning Centre as part of our first anniversary celebrations. Lady Milena escaped Czechoslovakia in 1938 on a K.....Read more

Survivor Talk: Martin Kapel

Sun 06 Oct 2019

Survivor Talk: Martin Kapel

“And I was fortunate that I did get a place on such a Kindertransport and I came to England and was sent to foster parents in Coventry.” Martin was born in Leipzig, Germany in 1930. By the laws of both Germany and Pol.....Read more


Sun 16 Feb 2020


16th February, 2:00pm Dr Anna Hájková will explore queer sexuality amongst Jewish Holocaust victims and survivors. This talk will explore same-sex desire among Holocaust victims in ghettos and concentration camps, the .....Read more


Sun 08 Mar 2020


8th March, 2:00pm Dr Kate Vigurs will join us to present her research into the women of the SOE. Join us on International Women’s Day to hear Dr Kate Vigurs present her research into the women of the Special Operations.....Read more


Thu 19 Mar 2020


19th March, 7:30pm Jewish composer Gideon Klein continued to make music despite Nazi persecution. This is his story. A young man’s determination to make music under Nazi occupation Written and devised by David Fligg. .....Read more

Jewish Refugees find a Haven in the Dominican Republic

Thu 12 Nov 2020

Jewish Refugees find a Haven in the Dominican Republic

Where did Jewish refugees find new homes after escaping Nazi persecution? Join us at 6pm GMT for a free 1hr online talk by Dr Marion Kaplan about how some Jewish refugees adapted to a new life across an ocean in the Dom.....Read more

Where is Queer Love in our Memories of Genocides?

Thu 19 Nov 2020

Where is Queer Love in our Memories of Genocides?

7pm GMT What happened to queer love in our memories of genocides? In this free 1hr online talk, Dr. Anna Hájková and Dr. Damir Arsenijević answer this question in the contexts of the Holocaust and the Bosnian war...Read more

Sources Of The Holocaust And From Concentration Camps at Arolsen

Thu 26 Nov 2020

Sources Of The Holocaust And From Concentration Camps at Arolsen

7pm GMT What can we learn from documents and objects from the past, and how can they help us connect to the people who produced or owned them? This free 1hr online talk by Anna Meier-Osiński and Dr Akim Jah from the .....Read more

Shores of Light, Salento 1945-1947: Film and Director Q&A

Thu 03 Dec 2020

Shores of Light, Salento 1945-1947: Film and Director Q&A

Join us at 6pm GMT for this free film streaming on Zoom. We will be showing the film Shores of Light, in the presence of Israeli film director and writer Yael Katzir. After the film, you will be able to join our conver.....Read more

Refugees, migrants, memories and identities

Thu 17 Dec 2020

Refugees, migrants, memories and identities

What impact did the Second World War have on the identity of refugees and migrants to Britain, and did where they came from make their experiences different? Join us at 6pm GMT for this free 1hr online talk about the .....Read more

Refugees in Empire: Holocaust refugees in British India

Tue 28 Jan 2020

Refugees in Empire: Holocaust refugees in British India

7pm GMT How did Jewish refugees carve themselves a place in British Indian society, and how did that society view them? This free 1hr online talk will explore how the British Empire had its own role in refugee experien.....Read more

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