Lindfield Arts Festival / News / Mon 22 Apr 2013
The first ‘Poetry Village’ in England - Lindfield Arts Festival

As part of its Arts Festival, Lindfield has become a display centre for local poets leading up to the festival weekend of 10th to 12th May.
This week has seen the inauguration of its ‘Poems for the People’ initiative with village businesses showing poems in their windows for the passing public to assess.
Whether the literature entertains or affronts, amuses or shocks, everyone can express their opinion by rating each poem with a mark out of ten on voting slips inside the premises.
Poems will be displayed for a week and then replaced by new ones to provide an interesting changing miscellany for village visitors in the three weeks preceding the festival weekend.
With the poetry lining the whole High Street, this could well be the longest anthology in the world.
For more information visit http://www.lindfieldartsfestival.com/buy-tickets/festival-activities/poetry-festival/
News Location
Lindfield, West Sussex
Email: enquiries@lindfieldartsfestival.com
Website: http://www.lindfieldartsfestival.com/buy-tickets/festival-activities/poetry-festival/